Positive and Negative Opinions About Lying Down

By: Sifa Nurfadillah (X OTKP 2)

The word lying down is currently trending topic because in this time of covid 19 people just stay at home,whether it's school work or something else,even though now covid 19 in Indonesia is getting better,lying down does have positive and negative impacts.Here are some of the negative effects of lying down:

Too much lying will make the joints become less trained.This is dangerous because it can make the joints stiff and even cramp.The body will also feel sore because of long periods of not doing physical activity so that it loses muscle flexibility.

But lying down also has a positive impact,here are some  positive impacts lying down:

1.Helps come up with creative ideas.

2.It is easier to recognize yourself.

3.Can save money.

4.Can prevent stress.

5.And also others.

That it a positive and negative impact on lying down,hopefully it will be useful for all of us.

Good health for everyone.

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