The Impact of Covid-19 on Children's Education

By: Neng Yui (XII OTKP 1)

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

most people who contract COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms. However, some people will become seriously ill and require medical attention. .In addition, another impact by students from studying at home is that it is a very large task. At the same time, students are also required to understand the subject matter themselves quickly. To help the learning process, parents at home are also required to be able to explain the materiallessons, while not all parents are ready and know for it, not to mention if there are many children and parents have to earn a living.

Currently the world is being shaken by the corona virus or covid 19, and Indonesia is no exception, which has taken a number of decisions to break the chain of transmission of covid 19. The main policy is to prioritize health, worship, work and study at home.

for the learning process of elementary school, high school to college delivered through the WhatsApp application or other online applications.

It is not only readiness that still needs to be addressed from this distance learning. .many people are apparently unable to participate in distance learning activities due to the limited ability of the community. Many of them do not have devices that support distance learning. .In responding to the phenomenon that is happening today, it is necessary to take action from the government so that the education sector can run normally again.

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