The Reason Why it's Better For You to Change Clothes as Soon as You Get Home

When you get home after a busy day, you often feel so tired you don't have the energy to change clothes. You cook food, wash dishes, and so on by wearing the jeans and T-shirt you've been wearing since morning. Apparently, this habit saves dangers that can ultimately interfere with your health and appearance.

We at the Light Side decided to take a closer look at what would happen if you stayed in the clothes you wore all day outside.

1. Not good for your blood vessels.

Your tight jeans can really make you look cool. However, if you don't let go when you get home your health will be disturbed. The clothes we wear when we go out are much tighter than comfortable home clothes and can have a negative impact on your blood circulation. Tight clothing can slow blood flow. If you wear it continuously, your blood vessels can be injured.

2. You can spread bacteria into your home.

You probably won't get sick right away from wearing the same clothes all day, but there's a good chance you're bringing germs into your home that can cause a variety of infections. Some of these bacteria are Acinetobacter which can trigger respiratory infections and Staphylococcus aureus which can cause inflammation in various parts of the body and are resistant to many drugs.

Even if your doctor says you don't have to worry too much about bringing the bacteria home, you may still catch the bacteria. Therefore, the best solution is not to walk around the house with the clothes you wear outside.

3. Can cause acne on the body.

If you have annoying acne on your shoulders or back, maybe you should pay more attention to how you dress. Clothes made of synthetic fabrics are attractive, but they don't allow your skin to breathe. This cloth traps heat in the body, causing acne to grow.

Another reason for acne on your neck and chest may be your habit of sticking to your gym clothes after you get home. Sportswear is designed to make you feel comfortable during your workout. If you don't take it off after the training session is over, this can lead to clogged pores and blackheads.

4. Can cause stomach problems

Tight clothing that squeezes into your waist can cause health problems that are far worse than discomfort. Clothing that presses on the stomach can trigger a variety of digestive problems, including the common acid reflux. If you can't leave your favorite pair of tight jeans or pencil skirts, at least avoid wearing them every day. Change into comfortable clothes as soon as you get home.

Contributor: Lathifah Zalianty (X OTKP 1)


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